Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Vital Information

It's been a month since our jubilant return in St. Augustine. The rememberance and reflection continue and the vital statistics have been of interest to many who followed the tour.

Some questions I receive include:
  • How much weight did you lose?
  • What happened to your body?
  • Are you sorry you passed up those desserts?
I weigh 118 - one pound more than the day I started the tour. Although I didn't lose weight, I still had to buy new pants. My pant size dropped from an eight to a six. My body fat dropped 10 percent, but those hand help measurements are not the most reliable. The chart says I am in the "acceptable" range, not the "fit" range. You can imagine how that sits with me!

So, am I sorry I passed up some desserts along the way? No, because I have never felt better or enjoyed more energy. I wish the same for each of you.

I'll look forward to seeing my WOCN colleagues in New Orleans next week. It's not too late to donate or give more to the WOCN Scholarship Fund to help us exceed $215,000!

YouTube Update!

Jack, Katherine's husband, created a storyboard of her trip. Visit the Cycling for Scholarships YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/WOCNcycling to see the creative piece Katherine arrived home to after her long journey.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Read All About It!

Yesterday Katherine & the President of the WOCN Society Dr. Bonham interviewed about the journey and how it has impacted the organization and the WOC profession.

To read the article, visit:

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Treasured Trophy

Better than diamonds, pearls, or dollars in my pocket, this trophy arrived yesterday from my dear friends, Mary Nelle and Bill Gore. It is inscribed, "Our American Hero, Katherine Jeter, Coast to Coast, March-April 2011." There is no other stimulant like encouragement. I hope you will join me in setting a goal to be an encourager, to give an "atta boy," to at least one person every single day.

Katherine's treasured trophy from dear friends.

Resting, Recollecting, Reflecting

The glorious ride ended 15 days ago. My coach's imposed rest days have given me more time and energy to recollect and reflect. Time well spent. The resting is now over.

Yesterday, I swam laps for 40 minutes and my body loved the limbering and loosening. Today I rode with a noon riding group that does an hour long loop with some nice hills. What a different cyclist I am now than I was when I left last November! I love the increased strength and competency. Our guides told us it would be so.

And, then, to see the gorgeous cactus blooming on our bike path. I've never noticed it before. My senses have been quickened and I'm grateful for that.

The gorgeous cactus I noticed on the bike ride.

I so look forward to personally thanking our corporate sponsors and member donors in New Orleans. I'll have on bike clothes most of the time, which really simplifies packing! Please introduce yourself if we haven't met. I want to thank you for sustaining and growing our WOCN Society, and I want to know your story.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Resting, Recollecting, Reflecting

It's been 11 days since our jubilant arrival in St. Augustine. Not all of my stuff is put away. Not all the mail has been sorted and responded to. My to do list for the days and weeks ahead is growing longer as I try to get my head back home!

Katherine writes up a long to do list after she arrived home.

My body is thrilled to be back in my own bed and close to dear Jack. I'm amazed by the interest of so many people, people I don't even know. They don't want to hear much, but they do want to express congratulations. So nice.

The question most often asked is, "Did you ever think you couldn't go on? Could not or would not finish?" The answer is, "NEVER, NOT ONCE!" The most salient memories are of WOCN members, friends, and family who turned out at the beginning in San Diego, all along the way, and at the end. You know who you are and where you were to provide encouragement, support, smiles, hugs, help cleaning the SAG Wagon, help with washing and drying the dinner dishes, wound dressings, cool drinks, fruits, coffee, sweet treats, and contributions to Cycling for Scholarships fund. I cherish each memory of your collective kindness. I do want to give a special thank you to the WOCN leadership, the staff in our National Office, and Robbie Sharp, BSN, CWOCN, who mobilized most of Florida!

I will be able to do anything I set my mind to in the future if I have God's blessing and dozens of people lined up to help me get the job done; this I know for sure. In the case of this wondrous journey, we relied on support provided by so many people, too numerous to count and in roles too diverse to delineate. I learned for certain that there is no such thing as self-sufficiency.

Until the WOCN Conference concludes on June 8, I will plan to post a few more recollections and reflections. In the meantime, my coach insists I rest! Thank you for continuing this amazing trip with me.

Dr. Jeter Recap

Friday, May 6, 2011

Find Out About Katherine's Time in St. Augustine!

Check out the WOCN Cycling YouTube channel and the WOCN Flickr page to see the new clips and pictures of Katherine's time in St. Augustine!



According to Katherine: Post-Tour Recap

Just a week to the day from our arrival in St. Augustine, I had a fun reunion with my coach, Jimmy Gibson. I couldn't have done the cross country without his methodical preparation. We did a lovely 18-mile ride in the country today. He wants me to rest and stay off my bike for the next week. How can I?

Katherine and Jimmy Gibson, her trainer, pose for a picture after a nice ride.