Tuesday, April 19, 2011

According to Katherine: Day 44

Saturday's superlatives: There just aren't enough for this splendid day!

The morning dawned clear and calm. I had three of those motel egg patties and a Lärabar for breakfast. The temperature was 56 degrees when we left at 7:30 a.m.. As the sun rose in the cloudless sky above the long leaf pines, I could almost hear choirs singing "Morning has broken like the first morning..." and "When morning gilds the skies my heart awaking cries, 'May Jesus Christ be praised.'" It was a perfect day for a bike ride.

We rode through DeSoto National Forest on roads that were virtually empty. Apparently German P.O.W.s were encamped there during World War II.  We were enveloped in silence and the refreshing scent of pine for an hour or more.  There was a soft breeze all day, and the high was 76 degrees. We were fascinated by all the roads in the countryside that were named, we suppose, for people who live on then: Jane Mallettee Road, Shirley Ramsay Road, Jim Ramsay Road and Joe Batt Road were just three of countless ones.

I really had the water and nutrition thing going, and felt so much stronger because of it! I had a PB&J before noon.

It was 68 miles from Bogalusa to Pascagoula. By the time we arrived there, we were famished so we had a tuna fish sandwich on flat bread from Subway. Linda's dinner, a few hours later, was another extravaganza: Chicken curry (tofu curry for us), broccoli slaw, and pineapple and mango chunks. Maya, who owns or manages the motel, brought us huge fresh strawberries, cake and ice cream for dessert. I ate a giant strawberry!

Earlier in the afternoon, she had gone on some errands, and brought back postcards for one of our cyclists, who sends cards from each state to her grandchildren. So generous!

I dressed all of Lise's wounds after her shower. They are healing beautifully. 2,489 miles behind us. 611 to pedal. 12 days to go.

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