Wednesday, March 30, 2011

According to Katherine: Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

It's practically headline-worthy: "Women Packing Less than 50 Pounds for Two Months." Yes it’s true. No over-packing going on here!

Preparing for my trek across the country required a lot of time and preparation. 50 pounds between two bags marks the weight limit of items to bring for the duration of the tour. I’d slowly removing items from my bag, but it’s difficult. The more I removed, the more I had to do to make up for the lost items. I'd already removed the hair dryer, brush and comb. This means my next few haircuts had been getting shorter and shorter to maintain more easily. 

Vacuum-sealed bags help pack more clothing at less weight. This includes my Easter outfit, although it won’t be as flashy as the Southern ladies -- and no, no Easter bonnet.

The tour requires two pairs of shoes: bike shoes and regular everyday shoes. Bike wear must be planned out carefully in order to prepare for any type of weather conditions, specifically rain. A shower cap will prevent wet hair – I don’t want to be cold! Dish-washing gloves are recommended for dry hands on a rainy day, but I didn't experiment with that; I think I would feel a little weird sporting some bright yellow rubber gloves. I will substitute newspaper bags for expensive shoe covers, which are placed between two pairs of socks, so your feet don’t get wet. As I said, I don’t want to be cold!

My husband calls me and my roommate the “bib sisters,” because we make sure to pin a handkerchief to our shirts for blowing noses or wiping sweat away.  Recently, we ordered matching skorts – pretty soon we’ll be the “skort sisters”!

Each of these items serves an essential purpose to make the ride cross country a little less bumpy.

1 comment:

  1. Very useful information - thank you. I wouldn't have thought of that method of keeping shoes dry. Believe it or not, I have already started my packing list for 2013. So far, I have only decided on my Kindle and my spinning project - how's that for priorities?
