Monday, March 21, 2011

According to Katherine: Getting Pedal Power From Protein

While on tour, I fill my body with plenty of proteins. Since breakfast isn’t my favorite, I try my best to fill up, usually with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. My cycling partner and I stop every hour for a protein boost. We pack plenty, including, peanut butter sandwiches, and Shot Bloks or Sport Beans, which are chewable nutritional aids. Plenty of water and Hammer Heed is on hand to continuously fill my body with the electrolytes it’s losing from sweating. A chef rides along the tour in the WomanTours bus and cooks us delicious breakfasts and dinners on each stop.

I’ve avoided alcoholic beverages since January 1, but I’m excited to indulge in a cold one (non-alcoholic that is) in St. Augustine April 28! 

Sticking to a routine benefits a healthy lifestyle. Health books and magazines warn that eating rewarding snacks, like French fries or cookies, in fact, don’t actually reward you. The best things in life don’t come free; you have to work towards them!

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