Friday, April 29, 2011

According to Katherine: Day 56 Recap

It was easy to fly out of bed at 5:15 for a 6:00 breakfast and 6:45 departure. This was our LAST day. Many emotions were merging and colliding as we loaded luggage and pumped tires for the last time. I had some grapes and a banana for breakfast. Best I could do with all the butterflies.

The ride was 40 miles to the St. John's Fire Department where we reassembled for the 7-mile parade through town and to the beach. On the way, we rode under gorgeous trees draped in Spanish moss, by the banks of the mighty St. John's River, and past acres of potatoes growing. I thought Idaho had the corner on potatoes.

The men at the fire station were most hospitable. Our police escorts positioned themselves in front and back of our column of 17 cyclists with one guide driving the SAG Wagon. People along the way cheered boisterously without knowing what for! We loved it anyway! Most of us cried. Cycling over the Bridge of Lions was a thrill.

We all gathered here to begin our 7-mile ride with police escort through St. Augustine, over the Bridge of Lions, to Anastasia Beach where our family and friends were waiting. Sixteen women now always bonded in friendship by the extraordinary journey we shared.

And then, there we were. There were our families, friends and, for me, members of WOCN, management staff and our generous corporate sponsors. I felt so proud to be wearing the Convatec and Hollister, Inc. logos.

After all the hugs and kisses, we carried our bikes to the ocean where we ceremoniously dipped our front tire in the surf. Before it was over, most of us dipped half or all of ourselves into the cool Atlantic waters. Dr. Phyllis Bonham gave me the glorious news that we had met our goal of $200,000 for the Cycling for Scholarships Foundation. We toasted with champagne that Jack Jeter had brought for everyone.

Marge and I at the finish line!

We all enjoyed a picnic lunch and then dispersed to regroup later in the evening. WomanTours hosted a final dinner for "just us" or the 16 cyclists and two guides who completed the 3,100-mile tour. Everyone had an opportunity to reflect, remember, and to say good-bye and thank you.

Then we left that party to attend the grand WOCN celebration at the Leitner Museum. What a fabulous occasion that featured a cake, more champagne, the official announcement that to date $208,613 has been raised, and a fun slide show from the ride. I was amazed to be so honored. The Mayor had proclaimed the day as WOC Nursing Day in St. Augustine. Our sons presented me with a colorful metal cyclist sculpture. With their sister and Jack they had sent cards of encouragement nearly every day of the trip.  It was fun to have them participating in all the festivities.

If I've ever been so thankful and satisfied, I don't remember when. We fell into bed at 10:00, so I would be up for a ride in the morning with our sons. We did it!  So many people had a hand in it and deserve resounding applause. I can't imagine how long it will take to put the whole experience into perspective and to be able to express what it has meant and will continue to mean in years to come.

I am so grateful to so many.

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