Friday, April 29, 2011

According to Katherine: Day 57 Recap

A lazy morning by cycling tour standards. We were up at 6:00 instead of 5:15. We strolled leisurely through Old St. Augustine with Linda Moore and Kathy Cirinzione, two WOC nurses from Florida, for breakfast at 8:30, instead of 6:00! I will cycle with our sons later this morning. I'll have to wean myself slowly from my bike. Thanks to WOCN members, family, and friends for investing yourselves in the WOCN Society's future to ensure continuing expert and compassionate patient care.
Spinach frittata for breakfast at a reasonable hour.

Katherine and her husband Jack posed for a picture with two WOC nurses from Florida.

Feels so good to ride with our sons, John & Stephen.

1 comment:

  1. You have had an amazing adventure and accomplished so much - Congratulations!!
